Zoom Second Online Meeting

Zoom online mtg 2

On Monday 20th April, Banbury Camera Club held its 2nd on-line meeting using the Zoom app.

The meeting presented 3 short talks by members John Credland, Mike Kirby and Paul Rayner as originally planned in our annual programme.

John Credland changed his talk to discuss photography which is possible during the lockdown giving some really interesting possibilities for experimentation.

Mike Kirby presented a photographic study of Cordoba in Spain with its unique architecture.

Paul Raynor presented a talk on the versatility of a wedding Photographer with lots of fascinating examples of special techniques and showing where there is potential to go wrong.

The meeting was attended by 40 members. All members can view the recording.

The next Zoom meeting will be on May 4th . It is Where have you been, an opportunity to showcase your travel photos from the past year. Please submit about a dozen images and be prepared to talk about them for five minutes or so. Details and joining instructions have already been sent to members by email.

If you are a lapsed member and want to join us, we request that you re-join the club using this link https://form.jotformeu.com/92397009629366 with payment via bank transfer. Those joining now at £25 waged/£20 unwaged will have membership through the 20/21 season, expiring May 2021.
