On Monday 9th December we held our third print competition of the season. The Judge was Peter Going LRPS.
Print Competition – 2019-12-09 : Print Colour Open
Placing | Name | Title | Points |
1 | Derek Lane | Coming out | 4 |
2 | Barry Boswell | A minor disagreement | 3 |
3 | John Credland | Spice Table | 2 |
HC | Derek Lane | Daylight Robbery | 1 |
HC | Jeff Youngman | Goldfinch on Teasel | 1 |
HC | Mark Harris | Resting Dancer | 1 |
HC | Barry Barker | Babel phone | 1 |
`C | Helene Boily | Rising above the rest | 1 |
`C | Chris Baldwin | River Buoy | 1 |
`C | Tony Chivers | Harvest Mouse | 1 |
Print Competition – 2019-12-09 : Print Mono Open
Placing | Name | Title | Points |
1 | Tony Chivers | Glass Teapot | 4 |
2 | Barrie Wood | A Norwegian Backyard | 3 |
3 | Barry Lane | Walking with the dog | 2 |
HC | Mark Harris | Into the Light | 1 |
HC | John Taylor | Criss-Cross | 1 |
`C | Jeff Youngman | Grey Seal Pup | 1 |
`C | Lesley Ramsay | Pelting | 1 |
`C | Jamie Bodley-Scott | Late for the Train | 1 |