A Projected Digital Images Competition (PDI) was held on Monday 31 October 2022. The judge was Sandy Watson from Didcot. Results are as follows including 2 images which were placed third-equal.
PDI Competition – 2022-10-31 : PDI Open Open
Placing | Name | Title |
1 | Miles Crisell | Wain Wath Force |
2 | Michael Greenway | Nile Rodgers & Chic |
3 | Graham Osgood | Comma Butterfly |
3 | Jeff Youngman | Hoopoe |
HC | Michael Greenway | Anyone Home |
HC | Colin Pointer | Awesome Autumn |
HC | Mike Kirby | Oooh |
`C | John Buttress | Alstroemeria |
`C | Roy Thole | Socket To Me |
`C | Mike Kirby | Woodland avenue |
Banbury Camera Club’s Annual Exhibition is now on show at the Heseltine Gallery at Chenderit School, Middleton Cheney. For more details and opening times please see our Annual Exhibition page .